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Intruder alarms

Andrej Veľas, Martin Boroš


Rok vydania:2019
Fakulta / útvar:FBI
Typ publikácie:E-kniha

ISBN: 978-80-554-2017-2
Ihneď na stiahnutie
E-kniha v PDF

Cena : 0.00 EUR s 20% DPH


The objective of „Intruder Alarm Systems“ is to provide the core information platform for the Faculty of Security Engineering students at the University of Žilina, as well as the study background concerning technical security systems for property protection considering the subject content at the Department of Security Management FSE UNIZA called „Alarm Systems – Electric Security and Emergency Alarm Systems“.
The script providing core problem abstract for alarm systems operation. Except for core terms clarification, the specific chapters describe electric security systems components used both internally and externally, their structure, instalment conditions and questions concerning alarm systems information transmission as well as the functional aspects of monitoring and alarm receivers centers. The script also contains electric fire signalization whose core components often make part of intelligent building systems together with the electric security systems components.

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