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Aeromechanics 1

Martin Bugaj


Rok vydania:2020
Fakulta / útvar:FPEDaS
Typ publikácie:Vysokoškolská učebnica
Počet strán:193

Materiálové číslo: 401792
ISBN: 978-80-554-1675-5

Cena: 14.50 EUR s 5% DPH


This university textbook is primarily intended for the students of the University of Žilina, the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, the Department of Air Transport in the Bachelor‘s and Master‘s degree for the subject of Aeromechanics 1. We believe that it will provide the students with reasonable essentials for acquiring knowledge in the field of aerodynamics within the Air Transport Study Programme.
The textbook from its first pages describes the basic theory of fluid flow around objects, aerodynamic airfoils and wings. It also addresses in more detail the issue of induced drag and its reduction potential, not only in terms of aerodynamics but also from the operational point of view. In the final chapters we describe the basic theory of the transonic and supersonic aerodynamics.

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