Karol Matiaško, Michal Kvet, Marek Kvet
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We have just prepared the first edition of the book for people with the goal to increase practical knowledge and skills in the area of Database systems. The content and labs of the textbook are prepared under our experiences with the education of Database systems in our university.
From time to tim, we perceive that students, researchers or practitioners have problems with the correct way of using Database systems during the implementation processes into any information systems.
This book was written for strudents and practitioners. It is intended as a practical guide for them and for others developers to involve the analysis, design, and implementation of commercial information systems. The language and diagram cenventions aplly ANSI standards with the strength of the Oracle Database Systems and the Toad data modeler.
We suppose that reader can recognize that using database systems and SQL is an important knowledge for the design process, with opportunities for choice and creativity.
In the text, we propose a lot of practical exercises highlighting the problems, solutions, tricks, and improvements.
The textbook itself is divided info seven parts organized into sixteen chapters. Besides the Introduction where we described the aims, prerequisites and necessary environment for the correct work with the Database system, following parts can be recognized:
° Data Manipulation Langauge (DML),
° Data modeling,
° Data Definition Language (DDL),
° Advanced SELECT statements,
° PL/SQL introduction
° Data integrity (DI),
° Additional SQL extension
Each chapter contains the short description of the theory, examples, and tasks for the evaluation of the received knowledge.
During the lab 1, we enclosed the documentation:
° for the installing and preparing the Database system Oracle,
° for the work under oparating sytem Linux and
° first examples of the verification of the functionality.
In the sections highlighting the DML statements, also the first attempts with SELECT statements are included with detail description of the INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements.
Next part is reprosented by the fifth chapter characterizing independent part with all necessary knowledge about data modelling.
The part DDL includes details about Data Definition Language. Data types, Data Access statements and about importing and exporting data to and from the database.
Advenced SELECT statements part inclides a description of the aggregate functions and their management, fundamentals for Group By clause management and table joining options.
Procedural extension of the SQL language is covered by the lab 10 dealing with procedures, functions, and packages. It also deals with Select statement management in blocks, exception handling and details about work with methods, triggers and cursors.
The part about the data integrity offers the rules to keep the database in correct and consistency state. This part contains information about work with views and their influence on the data integrity, as well.
Last part extends the practical knowledge and skills related to the work with temporal data types and reports covered by the data dictionary.
At the end, we added the Appendix with three models for the practices and for the verification of embedded examples and tasks.
We believe that this textbook will be a useful document for gaining theoretical and practical knowledge with contemporary database systems.
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