Katarína Ivánková, Katarína Pažická
Cena: 4.20 EUR s 20% DPH
The objective of this teaching material is to provide information mainly about European integration process since World War II. In order to fully benefit from this material, students should have asquired some knowledge about theories of international trade and international economics and also about trade policy and multilateral trading system /GATT,WTO/.
The first chapters deal with theorecital aspects of international economic integration while the remaining deal with the European integration process.
This study material has been designed mainly for English speaking students studiing under Erasmus programme at the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications at the University of Žilina.
It does not with integration schemes and processes takking place autside Europe, apart from theoretical chapters, because European integration process and its autcomes are very presents int he majority of professional fields where students are supposed to work in after graduation. That is the reason why shouls be awre of importance of decisions, legislative processes taking place within the of the European Union. Based on these facts, integration processes taking place outside Europe take the second place.
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